Friday, June 8, 2007

G8 leaders reach $60bn Aids deal

Before you go out celebrating with palm wine, umqomboti,Changa, or Chibuku, please wait a minute. I know the headline that " G8 leaders reach $60bn Aids deal" sounds like we have finally arrived. But we have not. The G8 have PLEDGED. And it is only a PLEDGE, which is why I am not going to celebrate. History has shown that these guys are emotionally abusive because they always trample on the hearts and hopes of the poor. On a sunny day, they say we are committed, and then do nothing to actualize that commitment. In the end all these promises, promises, lead to nada, which is why Hugo Chavez is pissed off!

I do not always like to be the cynic in the room, but I know that we have a long way to go. These guys can't even agree on greenhouse emissions that may also wipe out their own children through all kinds of skin diseases and cancers. And you would have me believe that they are so committed to Africa's cause of serving people that they have colonized, stolen from, enslaved? Give me a break!

While I do not want to trash everything that is promised and in some cases given, I still have my reservations. I wonder whether these billions will only translate into foreign policy carrots and sticks. I wonder why African countries are pitted against each other to get access to this money. I wonder why the billions will go to Africa, if at all, in medicines bought from the West. I really wonder. They have made promise after promise on how they will help Africa by doubling or tripling aid, cancelling trading rules, but will they deliver this time? I wonder what will change to ensure that the money gets to where it is intended?

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